
Showing posts from February, 2023

Oncosurgery Delhi

 In Delhi, about one in five people live in a slum. Most of these people have no access to healthcare, or clean water. Often, these people are not only unhealthy, but also suffer from asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses. These people are often sent to the hospital with breathing difficulties, but it is often too late to do anything. There is a shortage of doctors and nurses in Delhi, so it is often difficult to get help. Many patients with these respiratory problems die. To help these people, THORACIC ONCOSURGERY in Delhi was developed by a group of doctors at the Institute of Chest Diseases. This tube can then be connected to a vacuum pump, which draws out fluid from the lungs and is then replaced with sterile fluid. This fluid helps to make breathing easier. THORACIC ONCOSURGERY in Delhi is a method that uses a small incision in the chest wall and inserts a thin tube into the lungs. Robotic Thymoma surgery in Delhi is a surgical procedure that has been developed ...